01 Nov
Swimming With The Tide
Category: Book Reviews, Film, Inspirational...
SWIMMING WITH THE TIDE In my first podcast, Pathways to Resilience and Healing, we ask how can we nurture ourselves and strengthen our self-empowerment? Randy Carson and I model...
31 Oct
My Special Blue Heart Session With Dr. Kixx
Category: Book Reviews, Diversity, Film, Hu...
My Special Blue Heart Session With Dr. Kixx by Dr. Kixx Goldman I’m delighted to announce the airing of my brand new podcast released just this week. The episodes, titled ...
27 Aug
earth and high heaven
Creating Character From Our Heart: The Best Of Times To Create Character
Category: Book Reviews, Diversity, Film, Hu...
Creating Character From Our Heart: The Best Of Times To Create Character by Dr. Kixx Goldman What’s the most exciting part of your writing process? For me, it’s expl...
02 Apr
RBG - top
Strong Women: The Blessings of RBG
Category: Diversity, Human Relations, marri...
Strong Women: The Blessings of RBG by Dr. Kixx Goldman I had the privilege recently to watch the documentary, RBG, and filled in a lot of blanks. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg sai...
22 Jan
Classical Excellence and Modern Marriage: A Soul Overcoming Trauma and Shining Through
Category: Film, Human Relations, marriage a...
Classical Excellence and Modern Marriage by Dr. Kixx Goldman My husband is drawn to violin concertos and collects recordings of luminaries such as Heifetz, Menuhin…and Per...