Beauty and Optimism in a Pluralistic Culture; On the Buses of Vancouver by Dr. Kixx Goldman Being without a car and walking or busing everywhere in a spectacularly beautiful and...
Hidden Figures; Women Become Visible by Dr. Kixx Goldman We finally got a chance to see “Hidden Figures,” a film which celebrates the contributions of three black women who play...
Oscar Missed a Bet by Dr. Kixx Goldman Oscar missed a bet when he overlooked Annette Bening’s performance in 20th Century Women. Golden Globes made up for it by nominating her f...
Strong Attachments Help Us Heal Trauma by Dr. Kixx Goldman Characters in the stories we read or write often take up residence in our minds. Have characters in stories come to li...
I Remember the Sixties by Dr. Kixx Goldman My shock button lit up yesterday when I read on Facebook about an incident in which an effigy of a lynching was put on the lawn of nei...